Hi Friends., Kindly tell me about some best institutes for Group-2., and if U have any related info about this Question please give me at bhaanu.sura@gmail.com ThanQ
2514Hi Friends warm greetings i hope many preparing for AMVI kindly share Known question papers and the same i will share to u all once i found
3584Hi.. I completed my bbm.can i elegible for group-2 exam?what is the minimum percentage to write the exam? can any body plz give me the answer..
2011Hai sir....I belong to zone2 ie.WG,EG,krishna districts.But my husband is working in hyd in TCS.So problem is if i get selected in group2 selections is there chance for me to get posting in zone6 in or near to hyd.
2267halo i prepare group2 exams but i dont know about which type of material used for group2 exams. plz let me know about xeros material of group2 books and xeros centre numbers and address.
1967Hi friends.I am parveen.I want to know how to present our answer in group 1 mains.can any body know please answer me.I am searching for this for so many months
2084Post New Group II AllOther Questions
i need group 2 study material can send me ebooks my mailid : kondalu1985@gmail.com
iwill go to write the tnpsc exam, so i need model question paper.
Can any body send the Contact phone no.s or Address for Groups Audio cds
whr to get group 2 syllabus
Hi friends.I am parveen.I want to know how to present our answer in group 1 mains.can any body know please answer me.I am searching for this for so many months
halo i prepare group2 exams but i dont know about which type of material used for group2 exams. plz let me know about xeros material of group2 books and xeros centre numbers and address.
hi doesn't RC REDDY STUDY CIRCLE provide classes for group 2 in English medium?
hi i need group 2 material.If any body have send it to me.MAIL ID:eswar.mca19@gmail.com
Hi All can anybody send me group-2 study material to my id- m.nan1@yahoo.com and plz let me know when should i buy the current affairs material...
Hai sir....I belong to zone2 ie.WG,EG,krishna districts.But my husband is working in hyd in TCS.So problem is if i get selected in group2 selections is there chance for me to get posting in zone6 in or near to hyd.
i want to know details about group exams...am intrested in socilogoy sub...i want to prepair telugu language...pls ans to my ques..give me details abt exam..my id:minu_shailu@yahoo.com
Hi Friends warm greetings i hope many preparing for AMVI kindly share Known question papers and the same i will share to u all once i found
sir i am preparing for aso exam so plz send a copy of previous question papers?
which is the best institute in vizag of group 2