tell me some good websites for group1 and group2
exams.which subjects to opt?
Hi can anyone send that Group-II material to this mail Id please, Mail Id:
Hi Friends warm greetings i hope many preparing for AMVI kindly share Known question papers and the same i will share to u all once i found
Hi I would like to prepare for groupii.can anybody send syllabus,material and previous papers to do the needful help.
Group 2 having preliminary exam or not?
This is swetha from hyderabad.Plz give the site address for downloading the material for group 2 exams ? Thanking you
iam studying bpharmacy 3rd year now . iam prepare group2 so please tell me how to prepare group2&when the next notification declere please tell me details to my email
i want group2 materials and question papers
Kheda communication project was conducted in: (1) Andhra Pradesh (2) Bihar (3) Gujarat (4) Haryana
hi doesn't RC REDDY STUDY CIRCLE provide classes for group 2 in English medium?
Goitre is caused by the deficiency of?
hi,this is swapna,i have completed my biotech,i was interested in groups II examinations.iwant the previous model there any website for this?please give me reply by anybody.
plz can u tel me the details of groups notification nd when did the last date for submission. plz help me thanx in advance.