hi this is suhas i had completed my btech and i want to know that best institute for groupII coaching for english medium students please reply AS SOON AS POSSIBLE
1636Hi I would like to prepare for groupii.can anybody send syllabus,material and previous papers to siri.testing@gmail.com.plz do the needful help.
1 3364I am Dattadri from siddipet.I am preparing for Gr-2,I want to know which one is best between RC Reddy & Ambedkar study circles.Kindly give me the reply as early as possible. Thanks in advance.
1614I am Divya.I am preparing for Gr-2,I want to know which coaching institute in hyd is best for GR-2.either RCreddy or ambedkar? .Kindly give me the reply as early as possible. Thanks in advance.
5 6843madam/sir what kind of administrative posts that can be applied by a b.tech graduate student in group 2 examination or what are the general administrative posts present in group 2 examination
1566appsc group I, II, IV question papers mail to srinivasready9@yahoo.com, or srinivascm25@yahoo.com, srinivasking69@yahoo.com, or srinivasprince28@yahoo.com
1909Hi All, I have applied for Group-II examination. I studied upto 8th class in one zone and the next 2 years in another zone. Now my question is Do I need to submit the Residence certificate?. If so, from which class I need to fill the columns given in the Residence ceritifcate(there are 5 rows given in the Resident Certificate form given by the APPSC in the notification). Anyone please help me in this.
1690Post New Group II AllOther Questions
sir i am preparing for aso exam so plz send a copy of previous question papers?
whr to get group 2 syllabus
hi doesn't RC REDDY STUDY CIRCLE provide classes for group 2 in English medium?
I did my MS in Automotive Engineering & B.Tech in Mechanical Engineering. Am planing to write APPSC Group-II exam for Motor vehicle Inspector post. So does any one got previous exam papers related to above mentioned subjects. You can mail me at matt4harrington@gmail.com
Hi Friends warm greetings i hope many preparing for AMVI kindly share Known question papers and the same i will share to u all once i found
which is the best institute in vizag of group 2
Hi Friends., Kindly tell me about some best institutes for Group-2., and if U have any related info about this Question please give me at bhaanu.sura@gmail.com ThanQ
Hai sir....I belong to zone2 ie.WG,EG,krishna districts.But my husband is working in hyd in TCS.So problem is if i get selected in group2 selections is there chance for me to get posting in zone6 in or near to hyd.
iwill go to write the tnpsc exam, so i need model question paper.
please send GR-2 previous question papers to my mail Id:chinna.april20@gmail.com
Can any body send the Contact phone no.s or Address for Groups Audio cds
halo i prepare group2 exams but i dont know about which type of material used for group2 exams. plz let me know about xeros material of group2 books and xeros centre numbers and address.
iam studying bpharmacy 3rd year now . iam prepare group2 so please tell me how to prepare group2&when the next notification declere please tell me details to my email
Hi friends.I am parveen.I want to know how to present our answer in group 1 mains.can any body know please answer me.I am searching for this for so many months