APPSC Interview Questions
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What are the main imported goods to India from the Western world during Gupta period

2 7866

What was the underlying idea of donating land during Gupta period

1 3851

Can you say that during the post Gupta period the king was not absolute owner of the land

1 3791

Why agrarian economy was increased during the post Gupta period

3 8544

What are the two important aspects besides caste system affected the social change in ancient India

1 4282

What are the three fold objectives or purusharthas of life

1 4894

According to Manu, marriages should be performed between whom.

1 3871

Which employment women did in Mauryan Government

1 4108

What is the important social significance of caste system

2 6551

What is main difference between Jati and Varna

2 11582

Where as, persons of a particular Varna could change their profession

1 3903

What is the system of Niyoga in ancient days as approved by Manu

4 16321

The famous Sanskrit poet Sri Harsa live in whose court and what was his famous writings

1 5127

Which is the capital of Rashtrakutas


5 14027

In which year did Sultan Mahmud Gazhani first invaded India

2 5017

Un-Answered Questions { APPSC }

please tell me Group-2 REFERENCE BOOKS


hai my self shiva ,ihave completed B.A IN DR. ambedjar open university with 48% and i am very much interested in groups 1 exams may i want to know that i am eligible for writing exam or not and now iam thinking to join M.A but i am thinking whether i can take subject of political science or history pls send ur valuable suggestion to my mail


Hi!! Am dng my btech.,3rd yr, n my stream is ECE. Aftr btech I wish to appear fr Group-1. I'l b very thankful if u provide d necessary info regardng hw to proceed vt d preparatn and othr details requird...I'l b thnkfl fr d guidance..


please suggest some interview questions for govt lecturer in chemistry.


Sir i am going to write exam for post of Officers under Training. Please send me syllabus & Model Papers to my Mail id:


Who is the 'The Father of the Indian National Congress'


Can any body send the Contact phone no.s or Address for Groups Audio cds


Can a public sector unit employee [Govt of India]could write departmental tests conducting by APPSC or not.


am doing my B-tech 3 year nd am n consfusion how 2 prepare for groups an dhow 2 start actually wether 2 go 2 istitution s beter r any thng else plzz any 1 jst help me na actually how 2 get complete information abt grps...


How to prepare for B.El.Ed Interview


Hi all iam born in 1982 i want to go government jobs like group II , plz give me suggitions


do mca with NET qualification is eligible to apply DEGREE LECTURERS in COMPUTER science Stream. i Know that MCA candidiate can apply to COMPUTER APPLICATIONS. but what about COMUPTER SCIENCE please give clear information regarding this.


hi plz tell me 26/9/2011 group 1 paper 1 easy or tuf


how to prepare group1 exams?what is the syllabus for it.


At present wht is the APPSC Group 1 Prelims Syllabus.