VB Script Interview Questions
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write a vb script to open a text file and write into it

2 4110

write a vb script create 5 folders test1 test2 test3 test4 test5

3 4511

how to delete folder test3,test4 and test5 using vbscript?

2 4239

how to add the shared repository file to the script file while running the script manuall

2 3264

Write a Fucntion to close all Opened browser expect desired one?

Ness Technologies,

2 6688

How to make sure that items in a wintree are sorted al?

Ness Technologies,


How to find a latest file from any folder

Ness Technologies,

3 6062

How to Pass Multiple values in functions by using vb script? Function value(arg1,arg2) N1=arg1+arg2 N2=arg1-agr2 N3=arg1*agr2 N4=arg1/arg2 Value= How to pass ? End Function


3 5831

sunday is sunday monday tuesday wendesday sunday thursday friday saturday sunday sunday how to count no of sunday in the text file from vb? Answer me asap

4 5485

* ** *** Please write a code to get output like above diagram? ple explain as it how the code works?

2 3596

what is the difference between modular and data and keyword driven framework


who will create the object?



how many types of recording are there?

1 2845

what is extension of the file if its saved from recovery manger to some drive

1 2730

what is test scenario?

1 1955

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Un-Answered Questions { VB Script }

Can any one provide code for Mid(string,start[,length]). I have been asked to write code for Mid(). i.e We need to define our own function say MyMid() which should behave same like built-in Mid function


If we take 2 strings as “good” and “bad” then what will ‘+’ and ‘&’ operators return?


I have attended Anovatek Software QTP interview. They will give us computer and one web based application with QTP. We have to automate some records (already updated records or new records) using QTP Data driven testing. But we should use for loop? Can any one know how to do data driven testing using For loop?


What is the event handling in vbscript?




Which operator is used to perform the comparison among 2 operands in the vbscript language?


does anyone have qtp11.0 license key.Please sendit to my mail id-rrvv2011@gmail.com...Thanks


Develop a parameterized action that accomplishes the following a. Launch a browser of users choice ( example : IE, chrome etc) b. Open up a search engine (Google, Bing etc) c. Perform a search d. Click a particular link depending on the user’s choice ( 1st , 2nd or third link)


Explain How do you create a recordset object in vbscript?


Explain about vb script?


What are the advantages of vbscript?


create a form to accept username and password validate the username and password with using message box, display the corresponding user message


What are events in the vbscript language?


Which in-built function related to an array joins substrings into one string in the vbscript language?


How will you get the octal value of the given number in vbscript?