QA Concepts Interview Questions
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What is QA Life cycle

Infosys, UHG,

6 27255

Adhoc testing is advisable for every project?

Logica CMG,

2 6475

Tell me some of the test cases for Notepad Application?

Logica CMG,

2 13558

If Technical manager is not addressing to bugs while releasing the project , then how u can treat that bugs? b.closed c.pending 4.deffered

Logica CMG,

11 13155

Negative testcases for salary application..

Logica CMG,

2 7467

Due to shutdown failure, one application is not running then what type of testing do u perform? Load testing or stress testing or recovery testing ?

Logica CMG,

3 6806

find the odd man out in below testing techniques. a.loadtesting b.stress testing c.recovery testing d.integration testing also tell me why?

Logica CMG,

7 12236

Trace to customer requirements - what type of testing it is.. a.tracebility testing b.white-box testing c.block box testing d.regression testing

Logica CMG,

4 7044

what is PDCA?

Logica CMG,

3 9574

PET model architecture..?

Logica CMG,

3 8385

u know the control flow & data flow then what type of testing u want to choose?

Logica CMG,

2 5389

what is the diff between smoke testing & monkey testing?

Logica CMG,

9 18433

How Many CMM levels are there?? What are the main differences between each level?


3 14759

What is the base Criteria to review the testcases?


2 6324

Suppose the company is not an ISO certified company, but is there is any possiblity for to get CMM level-5 ? If yes what r the process to be taken?


2 6118

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Can anyone pls tell me how to do action parameterization (input and output parameters) with respect to login window and insert order of flight reservation window in detail( pls give a clear step by step explanation with example) anyone please


What is capture/replay tool?


can 2 tier architecture can be change as a 3 tier architecture


Have you written test strategy?


What is negative testing? How is it different from positive testing?


What are the functions of the Quality Assurance Group (QAG)?


What if the software is so buggy it ca not really be tested at all?


What is basis set?


Define bug leakage and bug release?


Which institute in hyderabad is good for ETL testing? Please suggest


What do you understand by ‘test effectiveness’ and ‘test efficiency’?


What are test driver and test stub and why we need them?


Can manual testing be completely replaced by automation testing?


What has not worked well in your previous QA experience and what would you change?


What is difference between qa, qc and software testing?