What is Function based Index and which type of function we can use in Function base index. can we use aggregate,NVL function in Function based Index..
1 35311) Synonyms 2) Co-related Subquery 3) Different Jobs in Plsql 4) Explain Plan 5) Wrap 6) Query Optimization Technique 7) Bulk Collect 8) Types of index 9) IF primary key is created then the index created ? 10) Foreign Key 11) Exception Handling 12) Difference Between Delete and Trunc 13) Procedure Overloading 14) Grant Revoke 15) Procedure Argument types. 16) Functions. 17) Joins
1321First round ------------------- - Procedure - Packages - Views - Virtual tables - Can we use dcl with in function? - Joins and few scenarios - Triggers and its type - Pragma, type and its functionality - How to create db link in oracle - Materialized view - How to find duplicate values from table? - Cursor and its functionality - Write a script to display friday and its date from a entire year. - Exception Handling Second round ------------------------ Gave a scenario like. Need to write a function to perform. When user try to change a password. It must not be last five password and a given password can be combination of characters, symbols, upper and lower case.
1330- Types of triggers - View - Dcl - Procedures, packages, functions - Metasolve - Can use Dcl in triggers - package case study - Cursor and its types - triggers schedule - Wrap - Why we are using fetch and for in cursor. difference?
How do I tune a sql query?
What is file based approach?
What are local and global variables and their differences?
what is 'mysqlshow'? : Sql dba
explain about mysql and its features. : Sql dba
What do you mean by query optimization?
what is sql profiler? : Sql dba
Why do we use sql constraints? Which constraints we can use while creating database in sql?
What is a Mapplet?
what is an execution plan? When would you use it? How would you view the execution plan? : Sql dba
what are the differences between char and varchar? : Sql dba
what is difference between delete and truncate commands? : Sql dba
What is pl sql in oracle?
Explain dml and ddl?
Why is there a need for sqlcode and sqlerrm variables?