source destination distance chennai bangalore 500 bangalore chennai 500 hyd delhi 1000 delhi hyd 1000 bangalore hyd 800 Here chennai to bangalore and bangalore to chennai is same distance. and hyd and delhi also same criteria. Based on the distance i want to display only one row using sql query?
4 11066While inserting/updating million of records into a database table, how do I came to know how many records has been inserted or updated successfully so far?
2 7406My select statement is not working as expected, So, to overcome from such issues what are the steps needed to be taken care?
2 3931I have a table with 1 million records out of which 10,000 records are of unique records, then if I will implement index, then which type of index shall I use and why shall I use?
2 6957Can we use commit or rollback in trigger? If yes, then how. Please explain with a suitable example?
5 12408How to convert lowercase letters to uppercase and uppercase letters to lowercase in a string. (ex, AbcdEfG should convert as aBCDeFg)
3 6334There are 5 records in a table and we have implemented two triggers that are :pre_query and post_query how many times these triggers will fire.
2 3840table name: prod there are three fields in the table that are 1.proddate 2.prodQty 3.model Day wise prodQty is stored in the table prod write a query to display total prodqty in the year 2004 april.
2 3335table name :Tab fields name 1.trx_no (pk) 2.trx_date 3.account code (7 char) 4.account type (1 char) 5.amt Tab contains account code day wise debit and credit transaction , account type fiels can have 2 value D for debit and c for Credit . write a query to display the account code wise total debit and credit bal for the month of april 2004. write a query to display account code wise new amt credit for the april 2004
2 3478Hi Guys, I have a situation where I need to access the column values from rowtype variable. However, the column names are dynamic. below is sample code: declare Cursor c1 is select * from emp; Cursor c2 is select column_name from xyztable; v_c2 c2%rowtype; v_str varchar2 v_value varchar2(200); begin for rec in c1 loop open c2;---this cursor has column names like EMPLOYEE_ID, FIRST_NAME, LAST_NAME etc. loop fetch c2 into v_c2; exit when c2%notfound; /* now lets say i want to access value of LAST_NAME from cursor c1, so I am writing below code, however it does not work as expected */ v_str:= 'rec.'|| v_c2.column_name; -- this will give me string like "rec.EMPLOYEE_ID" v_value:=v_str; end loop; end loop; end; / Plz help ASAP.Thanks.
2 3062
what is an execution plan? When would you use it? How would you view the execution plan? : Sql dba
how to calculate expressions with sql statements? : Sql dba
How do I save the results of sql query in a file?
Can we declare a column having number data type and its scale is larger than pricesionex: column_name number(10,100),column_name numbaer(10,-84)
Are pl sql variables case sensitive?
Is coalesce faster than isnull?
How is sql used in oracle?
What is cte?
How does pl sql work?
How to Execute a Package in PL/SQL.?
What is the usage of distinct keyword?
Which is better trigger or stored procedure?
what is 'mysqladmin' in mysql? : Sql dba
Can we use ddl commands in pl sql?
How much does sql cost?