2. Select A.A from ( select 1 as from dual Union select 1 as from dual)A Full outer join ( select 1 B from dual Union select 2 B from dual)B On A.A=B.B
2 80183. Select sum(a) sum_1,max(a) max_1 ,count(a) count_1 from ( ( select 1 a from dual union all Select to_number(‘2011’) a from dual union all select 1 a from dual) union select 2 b from dual);
1 27244. Select sum(A.salary) +sum(B.salary) as TOT_SAL from ( select LEVEL emp_id,level*100 salary,case when mod (level,2)=0then 2 else null end dept_id from dual connect by level<6 )A right outer join (select level emp_id ,level*200 salary ,case when mod (level,3)=0 then 2 else null end dept_id from dual connect by level<6)B On A.dept_id=B.dept_id And A.emp_id=B.emp-id;
1 2295I have following column in the table. col1 1 a b c 2 3 d and I want to display it as num chars 1 a 2 b 3 c 4 d numbers in one column and letters in another column.
1 2612How we get all_group_function's(Sum,avg,count,max and min_value of a column(Sal) Using pl/sql anonymous block, with out using group function's.
You shouldn't use more than one select statement in entire the program.
Like cursor c is select * from
i have a column which may contain this kind of value: 123*67_80,12*8889_5,34*8_874 ,12*7_7 (can contain space before a comma, and this string length can be anything) now i want to split this value into two column like: column1: 123*67,12*8889,34*8,12*7 column2: 80,5,874,7 use function for this
What is an intersect?
Why do we create stored procedures & functions in pl/sql and how are they different?
What is varray in pl sql?
How do you sort in sql?
What is input buffer in sql*plus?
Is mariadb nosql?
What is trigger price?
What does count (*) mean?
How do you clear the screen in sql?
What is a scalar value in sql?
What is the difference between execution of triggers and stored procedures?
what are properties of a transaction? : Sql dba
How is indexing done in search engines?
Explain what is a database?
How to avoid duplicate records in a query?