What is difference between TRUNCATE & DELETE?
Ahn Infotech, CitiGroup, ICICI, PreVator, Saama Tech, SkyTech, TCS,
16 41786If an unique key constraint on DATE column is created, will it validate the rows that are inserted with SYSDATE?
4 13638What is difference between CHAR and VARCHAR2?What is the maximum SIZE allowed for each type?
6 32621
What is dialect in sql?
what are the maximum number of rows that can be constructed by inserting rows directly in value list? : Transact sql
What does := mean in pl sql?
Enlist the characteristics of pl/sql?
Enlist the data types that can be used in pl/sql?
which command using query analyzer will give you the version of sql server and operating system? : Sql dba
Can we use ddl commands in pl sql?
What is delimiter sql?
What are triggers and its uses?
how can we know the number of days between two given dates using mysql? : Sql dba
What schema means?
Can sql function call stored procedure?
Why do we use sql constraints?
What are inner and outer joins examples of both?
What is the purpose of using pl/sql?