Difference between SUBSTR and INSTR?
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Answer / tulsi
SUBSTR is used to extract a set of characters from a string
by specificing the character starting position and end
position and length of characters to be fetched.
example substr('hello',2,3) will return 'ell'
INSTR is used to find the position of any particular
character in a word which returns numeric value.
instr('hello','e') - will return the position of 'e' as 2
Is This Answer Correct ? | 65 Yes | 6 No |
Answer / shrikant
Yes Tulsi is right.
Execute the below queries & you will see the diff clearly -
SELECT instr('hello','e') FROM dual
SELECT substr('hello',2,3) FROM dual
Is This Answer Correct ? | 34 Yes | 4 No |
Answer / atchala ramanareddy
select substr('atchala ramanareddy',2,9) from dual;
it will return tchala ra.
select instr('atchala ramanareddy','a',1,2) from dual;
it will return 5.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 19 Yes | 3 No |
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