What is ROWID?

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What is ROWID?..

Answer / kalyan kumar

The unique value generated bydefault for each and every row
in the column of any table when user inserts records.

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What is ROWID?..

Answer / aasid

A rowid is a pseudo column (like versions_xid), that
uniquely identifies a row within a table, but not within a
database. It is possible for two rows of two different
tables stored in the same cluster to have the same rowid.

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What is ROWID?..

Answer / rajesh

Every record has a unique ROWID within a database
representing the physical location on disk where the record
lives. Note that ROWID's will change when you reorganize or
export/import a table.

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What is ROWID?..

Answer / guest

ROWID Represents phyiscal location on disk for a record.It
is unique Hexadecimal number (like AAAL+ZAAEAAA....)which
get generated automatically at the time of insertion.

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What is ROWID?..

Answer / srikanth

It gives the location in the database where row is
physically stored.

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What is ROWID?..

Answer / akash lekurwale

row id is the address for each row when it will insert into
the table it is unique even some rows are inserting

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What is ROWID?..

Answer / sourisengupta

ROW_ID is a pseudo column in each table. This column is
appended by default to every table that is created.You can
dentify each row by this column.

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What is ROWID?..

Answer / jigar r gor

ROWID is a pseudo column that oracle derives for each record fetched by an implicit SQL query.
Every rowid associated to the data row of a table is dynamically assigned and is not part of the actual user table.
Also the same can be just referred and not be used as sequences.

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