Networking AllOther Interview Questions
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x.25 protocol encapsulates the follwing layers a)network b)datalink c)physical d)all of the above e)none of the above

Infosys, Siemens,

4 19514

TCP/IP can work on a)ethernet b)tokenring c)a&b d)none

2 20877

which is true a)bridge connects dissimiler LAN and protocol insensitive b)router connects dissimiler LAN and protocol insensitive c)gateway connects dissimiler LAN and protocol insensitive d)none of the above

2 8982

a node has the ip address and But it is transmitting data from node1 to node2 only. The reason may be a)a node cannot have more than one address b)class A should have second octet different c)classB " " " " " d)a,b,c

1 9573

What is the advantage of Ring network ? Compare it with ethernet


Which is the protocol used in ethernet. (CSMA/CD) Why is it called so ?

2 8531

Explain the advantage and disadvantage of ethernet ?

Cap Gemini, Infosys,


What is the Bandwidth of ethernet ?

5 21400

Give an example for bus type network.

1 6404

what are the various network topologies ?

4 7563

How many layers are there in OSI ? Why is it called OSI model ?

5 10850

Why networks are layered ? What is the advantage of that ?


2 13410

Which one is not done by Data link layer ? 1. bit stuffing 2. LRC 3. CRC 4. parity check

3 10439

What do you meant by "triple X" in Networks?

Elgi Equipments,

2 10251

What is Beaconing?

Elgi Equipments,

3 9801

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Explain 1-persistent, p-persistent and 0-persistent CSMA giving strong and weak points of each.


Explain Network Topologies and their uses.


What are the advantages of cell switching that is used in ATM?


What is Brouter (Bridge Router)


What is region


Draw the IP datagram header format. “IP datagram has a checksum field still it is called an unreliable protocol”. Justify?


We can use Office Communication server instead of any dialer?


Question What is datagram, datagram packets and datagram sockets?


Enumerate the main responsibilities of data link layer ?


What is the minimum and maximum length of the header in the TCP segment and IP datagram


Hi i need one website name.Which is used to identify or find the system or person who or which are logged in to the Internet or working with Internet.We can watch and access their drives(memory) also through that website.Could you please tell me which is that website.Please answer me.Advance thanks


Explain network equipment used in wired-LANS and explain the function of Hub, Switch, and bridge.


What is pool in networking?


how many types of backups are there & explain them in theory mode & practical mode?


Differentiate between SMTP and SNMP