Networking AllOther Interview Questions
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Elgi Equipments,

3 6693

What is cladding?

Elgi Equipments,

1 2536

How Gateway is different from Routers?

Elgi Equipments,

4 12457

What is Project 802?

Elgi Equipments,

2 8877

What are the different type of networking or internetworking devices?

13 26876

What is difference between ARP and RARP?

CTS, Elgi Equipments,

6 26586

What is the difference between TFTP and FTP application layer protocols?

DELL, Elgi Equipments, HCL, Wipro,

8 19150

What are the important topologies for networks?

Elgi Equipments,

6 15074

Explain 5-4-3 rule?

Elgi Equipments,

1 7066

What is packet filter?

Elgi Equipments,

1 4160

What is wide-mouth frog?

Elgi Equipments,

3 6601

What is Kerberos?

Cap Gemini, Elgi Equipments, TCS,

3 7920

Expand IDEA?

Elgi Equipments,

1 6160

what does star, ring, and tree mean

2 5807

When you look at a Cisco switch like Cisco 2950, why are the ports labeled with an 'X' behind the number? Like 1x, 2x.....23x, 24x, and what does it mean when there is no 'X'?


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Un-Answered Questions { Networking AllOther }

what is the equivalent nx-os command for the "ip multicast-routing" ios command, and does the nexus 7000 support pim-sparse mode?


Explain Difference between congestion control and QoS(or Quality of service)


in linux what is the last ver to use of bootloader lilo,after lilo not use in linux and only use upper ver grub?


Draw the IP datagram header format. “IP datagram has a checksum field still it is called an unreliable protocol”. Justify?


Explain network layer in ATM,


If the transmitted code word is 10011000 and the received code word is 11001001. What is the error word ? Write transmitted code word , received code word and error word as polynomials.


The physical layer service is a non-confirmed service. Assume that some bits of data are lost during transmission over physical media, which layer will detect the loss and take some remedial measures. Explain any one method clearly depicting how this operation is performed.


What is the minimum and maximum length of the header in the TCP segment and IP datagram


Explain different kinds of Switching techniques.


when I issue the "show ip route bgp" command, I see my routes being learned via ospf and bgp. How can I verify on the nx-os which one will always be used and which one is a backup?


Is the nyquist theorem true for optical fibre or only for copper wire ? Explain.


Explain network topologies ?


What is the baud rate of a standard 10 mbps Ethernet LAN ?


What is NVT (Network Virtual Terminal)


Why is IP called ‘best-effort delivery’ protocol?