Software Interview Questions
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Hi,The question is write a script for the following scenario. scenario:in a job portal i entered QTP 3yrs testing then click search button.then it displays results like Test lead bangalore (here is a checkbox). Test lead hyderabad check box so on... question is if test lead position in bangalore then checkbox shld be enabled automatically..

Thatavarti Technologies,

4 7270

How to retrive data from a data table which is in 3rd row,4th column and place it in main retrive name,date from data table..write script for this.

Thatavarti Technologies,

11 24691

what is the difference between Test case and Test scenario? is it necessary to prepare scenarios before writing test cases?explain in detail.

AppLabs, Tekra,

20 25520

What is the difference between servlet config and servlet context.

TCS, Tech Mahindra, Vertex,

19 55192

How can i parameterize data through Excel sheet using VB Vuser protocol?

3 9289

what is the 90% ile time in the analysis results?

4 17024

how do u create a data table


1 4356

what is the difference between Single user and multiple user protocol?

2 10242

How to indentify MS-Word objects like Menubar, Toolbar, table/columns/rows/cells etc within Word document, using QTP?


what is a workflow?


3 6745

Hi Everybody, Can anybody please tell me the how to display the result of the QTP in the notepad text file rather than in the QTP result window. Suppose this is my simple script:WHich will open the notepad file and enter some text and then will change the font then will calculate how much time has been taken.Now, in this script i want to display the result in notepad file. Dim s Dim starttimer,endtimer,timeit s="uyetuywqtywqte" SystemUtil.Run "notepad","","Y:\","" Window("Notepad").WinEditor("Edit").Type micCtrlDwn + "s" + micCtrlUp Window("Notepad").Dialog("Save As").WinEdit("File name:").Set "test1" Window("Notepad").Dialog("Save As").WinEdit("File name:").Type micReturn Window("Notepad_3").Type s Window("Notepad_3").WinEditor("Edit").Type micCtrlDwn + "s" + micCtrlUp starttimer=timer Window("Notepad_3").WinMenu("Menu").Select "Format;Font..." Window("Notepad_3").Dialog("Font").WinEdit ("Font:").Type "cou" + micDwn Window("Notepad_3").Dialog("Font").WinComboBox ("Font:").Select "Courier" Window("Notepad_3").Dialog("Font").WinEdit ("Font:").Set "Courier" Window("Notepad_3").Dialog("Font").WinEdit("Font:").Type micReturn endtimer=timer timeit=endtimer-starttimer print(timeit) Please also tell me where the function for the text file result will be declared and where it should be called. Thanks, Gaytri

2 7275

what are the general problems faced in VB Vuser Protocol?



How u will apply OCS patches? If a user wants to execute a background job immediately but there is no Background work process available. How u will do? How you will do client copy? If SAP * user is not available at all in your system then how u will do client copy?

Bosch, IBM, Infosys,

8 26053

What is Consolidation route and delivery routes? How to define Logon groups? And what is Logon load balancing? What is Transport domain and Domain controller?

Cap Gemini, IBM,

6 46088

Can any one explain me what is difference between Test Methodology and Testing Techniques?

5 9728

Un-Answered Questions { Software }

How to identify if a class is a test class?


Give an example of SQL injection attack ?


How can we avoid deadlock in java?


which utility is used to sort a file in jcl?


How to convert hibernate query to sql query?


What is a Server Role?


Can we have a try block without catch block?


How to test the login page in different ways in automation testing and i need code?


What do you know about normalization and de- normalization?


What is scd1 , scd2 , scd3?


Why we use ms word in our daily life?


What is the purpose of format function?


What is j2ee product?


How message is consumed by consumer in kafka?


What is the difference between pig and hive?