Software Interview Questions
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What is difference between GUI and Usability Testing?

2 11974

What is function pointer and where we will use it

Infosys, NetApp,

2 8473

what is the difference between the HTML and URL based recording in load Runner?


14 67926

I had created the new virtual objects for web application buttons. how to add those virtual objects into object repository. Previously i had used Gui map in winrunner for capturing virtual objects for web application. Please help me regarding this. need your answer quickly

1 5211

Please explain about unicode compatibility in QTP. how we can able to use it. Please help me

1 5378

how to capture (or) checkpoint for chineese or any other language except english using QTP in a web page. ( my application have 24 language, how to check those lanugages using QTP? is it possible). Please let me know

3 4782

How can we QTP Scripts in xml format? is there any way to do so?


2 7870

Is it possible for QTP to capture the objects in word document.If so please give me the code.Thank you.

2 6845

1) What are the limitations of SAP?

University of Michigan,

3 15560

how will we run batch tests in qtp what is the process to run the multiple test sets?

3 10705

wat are the questions would the project leader ask about the project?? please do send the answers early.

3 6745

What Questions Project Manager will be aske?

2 4920

what is usability defect?Give one exapmle.


4 17208

what is the difference between testcase and test scenario? Please give one example.


7 11470

Un-Answered Questions { Software }

What 2 data types are automatically created when the namespace is saved in the integration repository?


What is the sap linuxlab?


What is img src in html?


What are the counting classes?


Write a program that shows the usage of data types?


What is difference between coupling and cohesion?


Explain about htpasswd?


Define soundex()?


Explain the uses of static class data?


What is the lifetime of local storage?


What are High-Level Functions in Kotlin?


Elaborate differentiation between Cache and Application?


Do stored procedures prevent sql injection?


Explain ddl (data definition language)?


Both Static and dynamic arrays are handled by VB script. Is it true?