Software Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

What is meant by wage type characteristics? Explain it by taking the example of Basic Pay.

Cap Gemini,

3 16801

What was the type of time recording you used in time management. Positive or negative? What is positive time recording and negative time recording? What are the differences between them?

Cap Gemini, CG, IBM,

3 15391

How do you transfer data from PA to OM.

Cap Gemini, IBM,

11 33422

How to retrieve Duplicate Rows only in a Table? Suppose if a Table Name is "Education". It consists of multiple columns. Then if we insert rows into this table with duplicate records then how can we retrieve only duplicate records from that table?

Alps, Aricent, Bank Of America, Wipro,

28 45222

What are Homogenous system copy and Heterogeneous system copy and how you will do that?


2 16071

If a user wants to execute a background job immediately but there is no Background work process available. How u will do?

8 22269

How you will do client copy? If SAP * user is not available at all in your system then how u will do client copy?

23 75559

what is meant by spiral model?explain with picture?


3 10168

what is the testing process followed in your company?

Mantra Group,

6 21714

say me any problem u faced in the project after delivering to client?

Mantra Group,

2 5699

if a problem on client side is restarting of PC then what are u going to do and say me the methods to solve the problem?

Mantra Group,

3 6084

why script is client dependant.


in script can i print the back page of a paper

1 4195

write a test case on web login and bank application and client server

Adobe, Ciber, CTS, Login, MBT, Reliance, Semantic Space, TCS, Tech Mahindra,

60 141920

plz explain vss?


7 13076

Un-Answered Questions { Software }

What do you mean by the term 'dear money'?


How to select some rows from a table in oracle?


What is meant by javabeans?


What is the difference between the sql*loader and import utilities? : aql loader


Which is not a font style in ms word?


Explain node.js event loop?


what is logical tree in wpf?


Is java developer a good career?


Explain dml (data manipulation language)?


How to uploaded files to a table?


When do we generally use destructors to release resources?


How do I create a primary menu in wordpress?


What is the difference between the sun jvm and bea jrockit jvm?


Is c++ a software?


Is sql a database?