hi this is jayeshbabu (sap sd) i have give an interview with l&t infotech they asked ,e about 1) wht u have done in cutover activity? 2)where is the help desk? 3)one complex ticket where u had to put ur thinking caps on? 4)in which scenario v go for different pricing procedure at orders and billing? plz do answer this i would be very thankful to u in advance
5 23822Post New Ciber Interview Questions
Will steam run on linux?
i didnot recieve my group1 hallticket
Explain in brief the situations when you would be using Integrative growth strategy Intensive growth Diversification growth strategy
what is ic 01,ic 06 ?is it types of cooling?
Can you explain difference between apache mahout and apache spark’s mllib?
Is wordpress easier than joomla?
How to order siblings in oracle hierarchy queries?
Define an algorithm. What are the properties of an algorithm?
What is pangram in java?
How to perform bubble sort in java?
Explain about cytokines?
How is lazy loading achieved?
What are the different mode that servlets can be used?
How can you connect other devices within ansible?
While using click command can you use screen coordinate?