Software Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

what is the basic knowledge required to work in BFSI domain ?

HCL, Nucleus Software, Standard Chartered,

7 110697

How many key flexfields are there in Oracle HRMS? What are they?

17 49751

in SDLC,at what phase life cycle stops?and what are the input and output of each phase?

Tanla Solutions,

5 12212

What is the difference between smoke and sanity testing? and when we perform smoke testing and when we perform sanity testing?

Tanla Solutions,

8 12135

what are the different type of bugs in client server and web based?and what is the difference in testing client server and web based?

Tanla Solutions,

6 11796

give an example for suspending, resuming, and stopping a thread ?


1 6452

Can u create multiple threads of execution ?

IBM, ITC Infotech, UHU,

1 6611

What is the difference between AWT & Swing?

BeBo Technologies, Deshaw, TCS,

21 93309

Write code for initializing one dimentional and two dimentional array in a C Program?

Deshaw, Edutech, GMD,

5 12898

My client requirement is he want horizan period in days format.but satandard sap systesm It's in months format(greay mode). how can we change months to days?


6 9996

In consignment fill up we delivery goods to customer site, is there any agrement with customer? if yes what type of agreement(relating price)?if no with out agrement how can we place rupes lacks of amount to customer site? i faced this question in HLL?


9 17938

After PGI goods will leave our plant.suppose If its goods moving by truck what are the documents truck driver will carry?


13 18722

In normal real time project how many pricing procedures they use?

2 9318

dar Sir I am Facing th eProblem in QTP thet ,when I start thrcording inthe QTP for the ASP front end and C# the Coding Language I fing that recording is Done well for the Login screen but at the Time Running the script the QTP is Unable to Identify the Objects On the Objec Onht eLigin screen .Please answer the Question in Description and the Propables reason I might be facing alsp the Popable solution I have to Take thanks and ragards

1 3825

Hi Friends ,I want to Know name of the Site for the QTP Help and the Best Book through that I can start the QTP Practice here also whare can I download the QTP Users Guide I search I was Unable .

4 5609

Un-Answered Questions { Software }

How do you create a docx file?


How to select combobox select value and text using jquery?


Why do you want to be a part of Amazon?


Is postgresql a database?


What is the left table in sql?


What is recovery/error testing?


What are the objects of the abap dictionary or what types of objects can be created in the abap dictionary? : abap data dictionary


What will happen if both steplib and joblib are determined?


How long should you spend on a powerpoint slide?


How to pass extra variables in url with wordpress


Is microsoft access part of office?


What is the difference between QTP and WinRunner? Why do you choose only QTP for automation among remaing tools like Rational robot and silk test? Write the VBscript for any functionality in your project ? What is the cost of QTP ? If you entered into yahoo mail with your valid user name then you will get FOR EXAMPLE , " welcome to krishna " on the top of inbo page , how can you test it in QTP? What type of testing you can do, when we gave you 5 screens and how can you test that application? What type of framework you are using in your company and explain it?


How do I merge cells in spreadsheet?


Linked list is a Linear or non linear explain if linear how it working as a non linear data structures


What is impure pipe in angular?