Software Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

differentiate between QA and QC?


4 9427

how load testing is different from regression testing?


5 8792

is functional and black box testing same or not

Millennium, STC,

11 17251

Want to know about Training Centres for Informatica, Cognos and ETL Softwares in Mumbai, India.

27 42461

Tell me one Reason to reject you?

Accenture, Impetus, TCS,

34 69653

What is hard code & soft code?

Cognizant, Wipro,

7 58726

jdbc drivers?


8 13641

Can we declare an anonymous class as both extending a class and implementing an interface?

College School Exams Tests, JVA, TCS, Wipro,

8 16393

what is test condition?how do u rank a test condition?

Logica CMG,

12 34677

what is reqirements testing and risk based testing?

Logica CMG,

3 6686

What is the testing process followed in ur company?

ITC Infotech, Logica CMG,

8 33533

What is the role of QA in a development project?

6 14470

What is the role of QA in a company that produces software?

5 15560

Describe to me the difference between validation and verification.

11 18699

Describe to me what you see as a process. Not a particular process, just the basics of having a process.

1 6153

Un-Answered Questions { Software }

What is the difference between typedef struct and struct?


What is the prerequisite for Apache Hive installation?


What is 2nf in database?


What are the major benefits of hibernate?


How can we connect to a database from the script editor?


with how many valves does tomcat configured with?


What is article ? Why it is necessary for seo?


What is Spark Executor?


Which function is used in php to count the total number of rows returned by any query?


What is difference between excel and access?


What are the steps involved in the process flow of the sql statement through channel attached system?


List out all different kinds of collections supported by salesforce?


Explian roles of an xi developer?


How many types of status are there?


What is difference between ++ I and I ++ in java?