Software Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

Describe to me the Software Development Life Cycle as you would define it.

7 13295

What are the properties of a good requirement?

4 7578

How do you differentiate the roles of Quality Assurance Manager and Project


3 9671

In general, how do you see automation fitting into the overall process of testing?


1 4925

Are application, pageContext and object of ServletContext same or not?

2 7303

what is exception aggregation

Accenture, IBM,

4 30798

account modeling and key figure modeling


1 9449

Developres release the build with known bugs , then how will u(as a tester) write defect reports without developer known bugs .

2 4519

can we maintain test data in test director?

QASource, Wipro,

9 13966

diff stages between open and fixed status in defect bug cycle


11 26691

what type of questions we can ask the interviewer after finishing of the interview?

3 10214

What does it mean when a check point is in red color? what do u do?

1 4102

somebody please say me why we go for using regular expressions,actions.what is the main and exact use of this in real time applications.real time testers pls answer my question with example if u can

4 6760

we have one text box and one list box(list box appear in same page or another page) what ever the text enter in text box that must be displyed in list box as first one. for example if we enter 10 in text box that is the 1st item in list box . after that we enter 11 then 11 is the 1st item and 10 is 2nd item. the maximum limit of list box is 10 items. if we enter 11th item the 10th item is deleted and llth one is add as 1st one and 9th one goes to 10th position part2:maore than the answer for this question i want the the reason why testers go for this kind of risk.what is the use of we testers having these kind of that not the problem with the developer .pls answer .real time users of which way these solutions help to test with r without affecting the developed souce code.

3 5331

what is difference Between Core Java and advance java

HCL, HP, Sambalpur University, TCS, Vensai Technologies, Wipro,

60 164897

Un-Answered Questions { Software }

what is the difference between a single quote and double quote?


List some features of laravel 5.0?


How would you display the last line of a file?


1. How to test Database? Please, give me all details for "SQL,Msaccess, Mysql Database? 2.For which functionalities database used? 3.How to convert Guest to Admin by Mysql database?


How large is it preferred to configure the io buffer cache?


Explain the importance of encryption on a network?


What is the best way to make content reusable/redistributable?


How do you make a grid on microsoft word?


What is blue prism work queue?


What are the disadvantages of bluestacks?


How to use the same COBOL program in Batch and CICS on lines? explain with an example


What are the types of stored procedures in an sql server?


Define a chasm trap? : sap bobi


Do you know what is cdma technology?


Can you override methods of arraylist?