Software Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

What will you do when you cannot login to a dialog server?

5 9847

How do you extend the table space?

1 4532

What will you do when there is a performance issue?

2 5934

How do you handle the lock entries?

4 5984

How do you handle the update failures?

3 6066

What is the purpose of a gate way server?

9 10077

What type of security problems you will get?

1 3944

What are the profiles that are maintained in the R3 system?

4 6227

Tell some profile parameter that you have maintained?

2 16637

Do you know about operation modes? how do you define operation modes? SM63 , RZ04

3 8305

What is response time?

2 4966

What is roll in and roll out?

4 29803

What is V1 and V2?

9 14726

What will you do when spool process fails?

2 6583

wap to accept 10 numbers & display the number of odd and even numbers??

1 6170

Un-Answered Questions { Software }

soft key for virtual object wizard ?


What is the last entry in all bdc tables? : abap bdc


Explain the situation where you have applied SCD in your project?


Explain the steps to send and read the email using your automation anywhere enterprise client?


What does t sql mean?


What does * mean in excel if statement?


How do you take thread dump in java?


What is a database form?


Is hibernate an implementation of jpa?


What is direct delta?


How many subnets can you have per vpc?


Explain sync channel?


what are the other commands to know the structure of table using mysql commands except explain command? : Sql dba


Can I dynamically instantiate a webservice or httpservice in actionscript?


What are examples of data structures?