what is usability defect?Give one exapmle.
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Answer / guruprasad
Usability defects are usually measured as stumbling blocks
that hinder or make user interaction difficult while using
a system or product. For example, if the user is shopping
online and does not find a way to go back to product
catalog to continue shopping or cannot easily figure out
the checkout button, such a situation is measured as
usability defect. There are different levels of such
usability defects like in any software development activity.
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Answer / chaitanyareddy
Usability Defect is nothing but the defect which occured in
the interface of the application. i.e facing the problems
if the application is notuserfriendly.
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Answer / kashyap srinivas
Usability related defects are those defects which makes a software application difficult to use.. For example, if proper error message is not displayed whenever a wrong data is entered, application is said to have usability related defects, if proper help is not provided by the application then the application is said to have usability related defects.
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Answer / swetha pasala
usability defect is not only the defect in appeared in the
user interface but aso the defects that appear in the
manual support provided i.e.,the help documents provided in
the application. some of the examples are..alignment
defects,spelling mistakes,uniformity in the abbrv.,date
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