Software Interview Questions
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How to perform Gui testing ?

2 8432

if account balance less than 5000 for a month ,account should become in active. if bal greater than 5000 account should b active. Write test cases for the above scenario

Mind Tree,

17 23012

How do you troubleshoot if your tempdb gets filled


13 41343

Hi All, Recently I attended a interview for a developer position in an educational university. They asked me the a question, I answered somehow but I was not not satisfied myself. Can anybody reply for it? The question is: A business user comes to you directly with an urgent request:: there is a problem with some students not being able to re-enrol. It appears that ?something has gone wrong with the end-dating of some previous courses they had enrolled in, and this is preventing them from completing their on-line re-enrolments?. Fortunately the user has done some analysis on the situation, and has developed some code to change the end dates. They tell you that they have tested this code in the ?dev? environment, and it works fine. They are asking you to please get this implemented in production as soon as possible. What steps would you take in response to their request ? Thanks

2 4941

wat is compile module


1 4826

I cannot find the record option if i select VB protocol in Load runner 8.0?Its asking me to install VB driver if i run the script?How should i install it?Please let me know.

1 4348

in one report using two layout models.if yes how to do


4 9017

How is recording done when a application is over lapping the QTP application it gives a message object not recorded


when i creating the sales order the system show error "No customer master record exist for sold to party". How to rectify it?


23 50348

what is not present in the test case? 1>requirment ID 2>test case ID 3>bug ID 4>objective


30 32809

what is virtual function?

Aspire, HP, Infosys, RoboSoft, TCS,

26 56817

What is the difference between sendRedirect() and forward()? in what situations do we have to use send redirect() instead of forward().

Honeywell, Mind Tree, Samsung, Wipro,

13 40988

In "V" model of SDLC which phase correspond to integration testing: 1. Requirements 2. Analysis 3. Design 4. Coding


4 10733

If a bug is found by the customer after product release, then what cycle is applied to find the cause of that defect

NIIT, Verizon,

2 8416

can you please tell me what is test script ..with example what is the difference between test script and test cases

3 5792

Un-Answered Questions { Software }

what are the different filters in tableau and how are they different from each other?


Why is node js better than php?


what is the function of rlu ?


what do you do to overcome your weaknesses?


What is sink in flume?


What is the full form of stl in c++?


Does any one have SAP basis B1 Resume format for 4 to 5 year experience? if any one have please send me on


Suppose an array contains @arraycontent=(‘ab’, ‘cd’, ‘ef’, ‘gh’). How to print all the contents of the given array?


Explain the difference between testing and verification?


List out some of the commonly found errors in Embedded Systems?


Differentiate between control keys pm02 and pm03.


What is enum data type?


How do I apply a formula to an entire column in excel?


Can a constructor be private?


Explain what are header files and explain what are its uses in c programming?