In real time scenario where can we use mapping parameters
and variables?
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Answer / pendekanti praveen kumar
Before using mapping parameters and mapping variables we
should declare these things in mapping tab of mapping
A mapping parameter cannot change untill the session has
completed unless a mapping variable can be changed in
between the session.
if we declare mapping parameter we can use that parameter
untill completing the session,but if we declare mapping
variable we can change in between sessions.Use mapping
variable in Transcation Control Transformation......
Is This Answer Correct ? | 40 Yes | 7 No |
Answer / bsgsr
mapping variable unlike mapping parameter changs its value
during session execution. it is used in incremental loading.
parameters are used in many scenarios like loading the data
of employees who joined ina particular year, for
timestamping, loading the data related to a particular
product id. alike.
if i am wrong let me know.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 21 Yes | 3 No |
Answer / ram kumar
Mapping & Mapplet, v can use the mapping parameter &
variable. V can also create the parameter & variable in the
sesssion level.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 31 Yes | 23 No |
Answer / kittu
Before using mapping parameters or variables first we hav to declare them in mapping level.After that we can create parameter file with .txt or .prm extension . Mapping parameters are used when the requirement need the values that cannot change with in session where as mapping variables can change the value with in session the best example for mapping variable are we can use them in concept of Increamental Loading and also to generate sequence numbers with out using sequence Generator Transfomation.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 7 Yes | 4 No |
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