Which of the following statements are true about constructors and methods? 1)A constructor has it's own name, a return type and is invoked using the new operator. 2)A function has it's own name, a return type and is invoked using the dot operator. 3)A constructor has the name of the class, no return type and is invoked using the new operator.
4 34322Four friends are given named Akansha, Anuska, Anisha, ... , ... Each of them live in a separate home and sleep on one bed. Akansha and Anuska have two extra beds, two of the house have green lawns while the rest have narrow porchs, One of the house has Airconditioner while the rest have fans
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How we can change the url for yii::app()->homeurl in yii2?
When we are using the DEPB licence for duty adjustment 100 %, there is no cash payment to customs. If i am a trader and registered with excise, Can we avail the modvat credit and pass on to customers?. And i am a actual user of DEPB licence, ca we avail the modvat credit?
Explain what is mongodb?
What support do I need from blue prism professional services?
What does file flush mean?