one rectangular plate with length 8inches,breadth 11 inches and 2 inches thickness is there.what is the length of the circular rod with diameter 8 inches and equal to volume of rectangular plate?
3 16599Classic: If a bear walks one mile south, turns left and walks one mile to the east and then turns left again and walks one mile north and arrives at its original position, what is the color of the bear
16 30416Imagine that u r driving a car from mysore to bangalore at a speed of no is KA-19 DB1955. distance between bangalore and mysore is 250 Km..... Now tell me wat s the date of birth of the driver............
25 43190Post New ADP Interview Questions
worst case complexities of Quick sort and Merge sort.
What is SAS and SPSS in R?
what are the tables in testcases?
What is defect cascading in software testing?
What is cracked tooth?
What is xml file in android?
What are the life-cycle methods for a servlet?
How you will handle session when deploying application in more than a server?
Which design pattern is mostly used in net?
Machine tool guideways are usually hardening by ?
What is delimiter in mysql trigger?
Name some important component in zend framework?
Write a program which is required to process the time of a clock in hours and minutes, entered from the keyboard. With this program, there are two requirements for any data entered by a user: 1. The data must be of the correct type (in this case, two ints). 2. The data must be in the correct range: this means that, for the minutes, negative numbers and any number above 59 must be rejected; for the hours, negative numbers and any number above 23 must be rejected. Output error message for invalid data input. Output the time one and a half hour after the time input. i.e. Hour: 22 Min: 32 One and a half hour after 22:32 is 00:02
What is the use of white metal?
What is the ng in angular?