The IC chips used in computers are made of (A) Chromium (B) Silicon (C) Silica (D) Iron oxide
10 47785Post New ADP General Knowledge_Current Affairs Interview Questions
How many keyword present in C# language ?
Explain opacity in css3?
What are the types of controllers in web dynpro abap?
What are the events used for logical database?
What are the disadvantages of erp/sap?
What is the difference between .net 2000 and .net 2005(features)? Which one is better?
How you will start keyword research? Which tools would you use for doing it?
how you spend your yestarday
what is the advaantage of each user having its own copy of the shell?
What is latest and stable version of Django ?
What is mean by xsl?
What is Have u seen that file?
What does the investment of personal assets by the owner will do?
i am preparing for aai atc ? plz can u send me som emodel qus?
Describe the life-cycle of a software development (application design) process.