write a C and C++ programme to implement the A,bubble sort B,quick sort C,insertion sort D,sequential search E,binary search
1 5769"I LOVE MY COUNTRY" write a c program to get "COUNTRY MY LOVE I" as the output. Use any other programming language. It is not mandatory to use C.
11 32950write a program which the o/p should b in such a way that s triangle if I/p is 3,a Square/rectangle if I/P=4,a pentagon if I/P=5 and so on...forget about the I/P which is less than 3
1825Post New ADP C Interview Questions
What is the Difference between public sector and private sector banks?
How the ax is providing security. What are the ways?
How do you check if a list is empty in python?
What is the condition that is applied with ?: Operator?
What is the difference between cybersecurity and information security?
Which bitwise operator is used to check whether a particular bit is on or off?
What is str_replace()?
Define mineral fibers?
If you have a valve with an applied pressure, how do you determine the stress to the closed and open valve?
what is delimiter in sas ?
How does variable declaration affect memory allocation?
How do I drag a formula in excel?
What is a column family?
Which versions of SAP NetWeaver you have used?
Explain about sap fico?