If i change any file through application after entering data , how to check which file is updated through applications . For call stack we takes esc 3 then we chose 11..But What is answer of below qtn..?
How to select a database in php?
Can sub report data source be different from that of the parent report?
Explain different file systems in liunx os?
What is set swift?
How maesure earth neutral value & how much maximum value value required in between earth & neutral.
An app is loaded into memory but is not executing any code. In which state will it be in?
What is Google Publisher Tags?
request parameter how to find whether a parameter exists in the request object?
How to install typescript on windows?
Define botanical garden?
Can a method return multiple values in c#?
What is tr and td in html?
Define what is stepstatusgood, stepstatusfail rules?
What does ctrl alt f do?