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Electrical Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

Tell me about yourself?

229 510207

Do you know how to measure the earth resistance? if so explain it

42 158665

What is the commercial unit of electrical energy ?

8 25744

A capacitor (condenser) is used in an electrical circuit to (A) Step down voltage (B) Step up voltage (C) Store electric charge (D) Produce electric charge

3 8503

why we step down voltage level from 33kv to 11kv and 11kv to 415v.Instead we can step down voltage from 33kv to 415v directly using single transformer.

12 71044

why transmission line 11Kv OR 33KV,66Kv not in 10kv 20kv?

43 117834

transformers parts & function of each parts

25 398793

what is transformer

63 70954

What is the megger value for ht

16 80417

i want the previous question paper for rrb section engineer exams. and also syllabus for this examination.

2 11226

I want formula to calculate cable size as per load given in kw & amp.I searched many sites but didn't right answer.Plz reply me asap.

41 415642

what are the ores of copper, what is copper reserve of india

1 3000

In india the power supply is always in multiple of 11, eg.220 V, 440 V... what is the reason?

11 23057

what is headhunting in recruitment???? how to do headhunting??? what r the types?????/

19 117151

what is the highest transmission voltage in India till now?

36 60739

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would you please give me any idea about the BARC interview question on electrical? i have an interview on 1st july.....plz hlp me.......its urgent......


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