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Cap Gemini Interview Questions
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what is line item

7 41300

Are EVENTS Possible in LSMW?If so how to achieve?

2 7554

How to watch currnet value of an object like OK buton or edit box with "Agent Name:" label. in watch expression tab?

2 7238

what is the diffrence between qualityassurance and system testing explain in detail with an example?

3 11209

testing is a procedure or methodology,diff between methodoly and procedure?

2 8812

in the smartform we have a folder option .i don't know what is the use of this folder?if any body knows please answer this question?

3 17203

The first VSAM file V1 has 2 fields A and B . There is a DB2 file which has fields E and f. We need the fields A, B , E and F to another VSAM file called V2. Kindly mention the logic in procedure division in cobol..

2 8210

i got h1b papers,next month interview is there,iam sapsd consultant what are the technical questions they will ask

1 4062

what is functionality testing?

8 9984

what is migration testing?

1 6907

what are 6 microsoft rules used for user interface testing?

1 4872

Can anybody tell me the procedure to impliment the SAP OSS notes in detail?

1 2956

What are the types of tables in Teradata

22 72657

As im new to BO, tel me 1.How to do migration from BO6.5 to BOXIR2? 2.whats the difference b/w BO6.5 to BOXIR2. 3. whats the way both BO 6.5 n BOXIR2 file storge varies.

5 10399

please tell me about fish model which is used in sdlc model ,and also tell me about the founder of fish model and diagram of fish model and other things in details

10 23142

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Cap Gemini Interview Questions

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Are data structures important?


Is it necessary to have SQL server installed in your computer in order to create a service based database in


How do I stop excel processes in task manager?


What are the points that should be considered by ports while binding?


What is the meaning of variables in research?


Is it better to learn python or r?


can u give guidance abt packages of plsql


What is the difference between raw_input() and input() in python?


Why static variables are used?


What problems can unnecessary information can cause in the sap hana and how you can avoid the same from being stored in the application?


What is a "map" in Hadoop?


When any person create a new file in the project, he will add it to the Source Control System in the correspoding to folder. This process is called "Checkin". Most of the source control systems provide a windows explorer like user interface. You can checkin files in different ways: 1. Drag and drop files from windows explorer to appropriate folder in source control explorer. 2. Go to appropriate folder in source control system, right click on the folder name and select 'Add Files'. This will launch a file browser which will allow you to select files. 3. Integrate with Visual Studio - most source control systems are integrated with Visual Studio when you install their client software. This is the easiest way to work with source control systems. When you right click on any file in the Solution Explorer in Visual Studio, it will give you the option to checkin or checkout files. After you add (checkin) a file to source control , the file is "controlled" by source control system. If anybody want to change the file (including the person who created the file), he has to "checkout" the file from Source control. When you checkin a file to source control, it will make the file in your computer 'Read only' so that you cannot edit it. This is to remind you that the file is controlled by source control system. You can add new files to source control, but you cannot checkin an existing file unless you have checked out that file.


What are the files generated after using IDL to java compiler?


Do v call director in the partnership firm?


What is mysql server and client?