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Cap Gemini SAP HR (Human Resource Management) Interview Questions
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PLease send Me SAP-HR Interviw Questions and FAQ's.

1 8024

If I had to configure hourly wages, say for a week, the employee works for 56 hours, where would I do that?

4 9721

. What are primary and secondary wage types? What does /559 stand for?

7 23564

How did you integrate Payroll with Financial Accounting for Payroll processing?

3 9918

How did you create pay scale structure?

1 10425

What is the difference between Personnel Area and Pay scale Area? If I had 1000 areas, would i create 1000 pay scale areas)

6 27339

What is the taxation you used for USA.

3 8160

What were the reports generated by you in payroll?

2 7628

What is the difference between exempt employee and non exempt employee?

3 14787

What is meant by wage type characteristics? Explain it by taking the example of Basic Pay.

3 16942

What was the type of time recording you used in time management. Positive or negative? What is positive time recording and negative time recording? What are the differences between them?

3 15547

How do you transfer data from PA to OM.

11 33913

1.What is account assignment feature? and what is the advantage of cost centres? and what is cost distribution?

6 14976

what is default position in Org management?

1 14806

what is the configuration part in ESS/MSS being SAP HR functional consultant. what r the responsibilities ...

5 27897

Post New Cap Gemini SAP HR (Human Resource Management) Interview Questions

Cap Gemini SAP HR (Human Resource Management) Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

Which operator used to convert 00110011 into 11001100?


What is synchronous and asynchronous message in SAP PI system?


Define consumer textile?


What type of workflow alerts are there?


What exactly does a data scientist do?


Kindly name few of the last code given to android different versions?


Explain the role of the ozone layer for the living beings?


Define the specifications that help in the discovery of a web service?


Can we print null in java?


What is document store db?


what is the difference between electrical and electronic choke?


What is the latest version of ambari that is available in the market and what is the feature that they have added in it?


What is the benefit of entity framework?


Which is the best way of injecting beans and why ?


Define ceci?