The 73rd Amendment of the Indian Constitution deals with (a) Panchayati Raj (b) Compulsory Primary Education (c) Nagar Palikas (d) Minimum age for marriage
10 22021Out of all the Union territories only one has a High Court of its own. This Union Territory is: (a) Chandigarh (b) Delhi (c) Lakshadweep (d) Pondicherry
10 43084Who is the final authority for interpreting the Indian Constitution? (1) The President (2) The Sepaker of Lok Sabha (3) Parliament (4) Supreme Court
15 49998Who appoints the Chief Minister of a State? (1) The Governor (2) The Speaker (3) The President of India (4) The Governor in consultation with the Speaker
6 40805The Chairman of the National Commission of Human Rights is (1) Justice V.R. Varm (2) Justice Anand (3) Justice V.R. Krishna Ayyer (4) Justice Jayachandra Reddy
7 13300can any one post Previous question papers of Assistant statistical officers(ASO). which is conducted by APPSC.
30 36655how to calculate the steel for rcc slab? plz tell me the formula for calculating the steel?
36 400865Post New Government Interview Questions
What is known as static diagrams?
what is the difference between physical address and logical address?
where do you see yourself in five years from now?
Describe the Stabilisation of Barium sulfate precipitate in McF' scale ?
What do you understand by $watch?
What is a line chart?
Hi Friends... I faced an question in Tcs.But i unable to answer. find the question below.. A root filesytem"c0t0d0s0" caries 100 gb data. in this filesystem. i am having 3 files named a,b,c it caries 20 gb data each. I need to take backup only 3 files a,b,c. How i can take. Note you need to take only 3 files to an single tape having capacity 80 gb. Whats the commad used?
Explain what a break-fix issue is?
What is remember token in laravel?
Is google a dynamic website?
Why cant datareader be returned from a web services method?
Explain what is interaction manager and how does it work?
What is enumerable in c#?
How will runtime resource be allocated, when blue prism application is not running?
Do while loops php?