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36 402736how to design an isolated footing having load and moment acting on the column also draw pressure diagram at the base
42 43366What is the number of IS code of practice to be followed for hydraulic design of sewerage pipe line?
2344Post New Government Civil Engineering Interview Questions
What can be the side effects of magnesium sulphate therapy, when given to patient?
What is zend framework?
What are the advantages of powerpoint?
What are types of storage modes? : sql server analysis services, ssas
What is web router?
What are the challenges faced during sap testing?
Should we choose Netscape of Microsoft plateform ?
why is the context switch overhead of a user-level threading as compared to the overhead for processes? Explain.
Define criteria in terms of hibernate.
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Define marshling?
Why would you use setautocommit(false) in jdbc?
What is model is data mining?
How do I create a if function in excel?
Can we create trigger on materialized view in oracle?