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Government Interview Questions
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What is the rating of your capacitor bank at your company.

36 80961

Explain the general properties of Enzymes ?

8 32323

The 73rd Amendment of the Indian Constitution deals with (a) Panchayati Raj (b) Compulsory Primary Education (c) Nagar Palikas (d) Minimum age for marriage

10 22561

Out of all the Union territories only one has a High Court of its own. This Union Territory is: (a) Chandigarh (b) Delhi (c) Lakshadweep (d) Pondicherry

10 43689

Who is the final authority for interpreting the Indian Constitution? (1) The President (2) The Sepaker of Lok Sabha (3) Parliament (4) Supreme Court

15 50820

Who appoints the Chief Minister of a State? (1) The Governor (2) The Speaker (3) The President of India (4) The Governor in consultation with the Speaker

6 41201

The Chairman of the National Commission of Human Rights is (1) Justice V.R. Varm (2) Justice Anand (3) Justice V.R. Krishna Ayyer (4) Justice Jayachandra Reddy

7 13745

how can passed exam of LIBRARY JOB AS--- ASST- LIBRARIAN/ LIBRARIAN.

6 11667

what is portfolio

30 38728

why do you think this course will be benefit to you?

6 58923

the largest sector bank in india is

7 7678

can any one post Previous question papers of Assistant statistical officers(ASO). which is conducted by APPSC.

30 38154

how to calculate the steel for rcc slab? plz tell me the formula for calculating the steel?

36 402669

what is n tier ?

1 3614

what is general insurance? name 5 types of general insurance.

15 88844

Post New Government Interview Questions

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What is the shortcut to the login directory?


What were your favorite classes? Why?


Explain why a 'material master' is divided into views?


Are 64bit applications faster?


how intangible assets are entered in B/s. plz send me the answer of this question in my


What is Not-So-Stubby (NSSA)in Open Shortest Path First?


sir iam from electrical and electronics branch ,can i appear for the hpcl offline requirtment? if yes please mail me on


Explain criteria api?


What is nested interface?


How to define and use table alias names in ms sql server?


Where I can get the sample question for post of Junior engineer electrical-II For RRB Bhubaneswar.


Explain what is smarty?


What is the difference between 8085 microprocessor and 8086 microprocessor?


what is electronically operated pneumatic valves? give one example


How to put it into maintenance mode in drupal?