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Government APPSC AllOther Interview Questions
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Who appoints the Chief Minister of a State? (1) The Governor (2) The Speaker (3) The President of India (4) The Governor in consultation with the Speaker

6 41219

The Chairman of the National Commission of Human Rights is (1) Justice V.R. Varm (2) Justice Anand (3) Justice V.R. Krishna Ayyer (4) Justice Jayachandra Reddy

7 13757

can any one post Previous question papers of Assistant statistical officers(ASO). which is conducted by APPSC.

30 38203

Post New Government APPSC AllOther Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

Anyone have any idea when to conduct Uniformity of Weight (UOW) and when need to conduct Uniformity of Dosage Units (UOD) or when need both? I read BP it only said if average weight < or = 0.04g then just conduct UOD, no need UOW. Under UOD section, it doesnt say when need to conduct UOD but just said UOD got two type, one is Mass Variation (MV), another is Content Uniformity (CU) and under what conditions to conduct them. For USP, no UOW section, only got UOD section.


How can related code be encapsulated?


Create table employee (eno int(2),ename varchar(10)) ?


How can a page be forced to load another page in javascript?


What is the difference between thread and a service in Android?


How harmonic block test are conducted on relays ( Siemens,Areva ect )power transformer using omicron kit?


What is data model in dbms?


How we can call macros with in data step? : sas-macro


What is a selector?


define the non synchoronism of synchoronous machine in general g or m??


How do I open excel 2010 in safe mode?


what is recursion in C


Explain about arrays?


Tell me what is metallic fibers?


How many axes do cartesian coordinate system has?