The 73rd Amendment of the Indian Constitution deals with (a) Panchayati Raj (b) Compulsory Primary Education (c) Nagar Palikas (d) Minimum age for marriage
10 22576Post New Government NDA Interview Questions
What is the transaction code for table maintenance?
How to lock records in a table?
What are the appserver components?
Can I use scss in css?
What is the purpose of the '.frm' file extension? What do thes file contain?
What are the different editions of windows server 2008?
What are SEO skills?
What is the use of drupal?
What was the most challenging task you have faced till now?
Explain asset retirement in fi-aa? : fi- asset accounting
How will my computer get its ip address?
How would you perform unit-testing on your python code?
How to Sharing Data with all Views ?
How do you use constants in excel?
Why dependency injection is used in java?