i want previous psi main exam question paper with answer in Maharashtra state.please send me on my mail id .thaks
30 61555Post New Tata Motors Interview Questions
What is the function of annotation @requestbody?
What is hdfs in big data?
What is a Safe State and what is its use in deadlock avoidance?
What are the Advantages of Functional Programming (FP) or Advantages of Pure Functions?
Which Amazon leadership principle do you resonate most with?
What do you mean by xslt
What are wildcards in blue prism?
How do you view an xml file?
What is BCNF (Boyce-Codd Normal Form)?
What software is required for php?
Provide an example of a project where you worked closely with cross-functional teams to bring a new product to production.
How do I make all of my forms bootstrap opinionated?
in payment terms what is the use of day light?in fsg 1 feild we can not control what is that feild.pls give the ans for this 2 questions
What is a Web-to-Lead?
Which table would you use to extract the equipment and class information?