Post New Tata Motors Automobile Engineering Interview Questions
How will you delete selected rows in a table / alv?
How do I ‘get’ with respect to a label?
What precautions are required to be observed in the use of leds?
How is python an interpreted language?
1> What is water mark & why it will be used? 2> how do you make / done duplex setting in printer or while printing ? 3> total in how many ways from n/w system, user can send the data ? 4> in n/w how user can access the data from another system ? 5> what is virtual memory, page file, hyper trending? 6> mail account configure & difference ? [express, outlook, IMAP, notes] 7> n/w command & layer ? Q asked at HP, Bangalore, for non voice tech support.
What is period parameter in systems, applications and products in data processing (sap) payroll?
What is the use of polyfills.ts file in angular 2?
Is @override necessary?
How does cookies work in php?
What according to you is a common mistake apache spark developers make when using spark ?
Explain tolerance in transaction processing? : fi- accounts receivable
How do you approach the diagnosis and management of patients with hematologic malignancies such as lymphomas or myelodysplastic syndromes?
What is data control in vb?
How to insert rows in word table shortcut?
What is Dict and List comprehensions are?