why we step down voltage level from 33kv to 11kv and 11kv to 415v.Instead we can step down voltage from 33kv to 415v directly using single transformer.
12 70643whycircuit breaker is not connected at the generator end where the capacity of the generator is more say 60MW, 100MW etc.
2 5913HOW to calculate Rate analysis of M15 GRADE DESIGN MIX RATIO 1:2.5:5 WITH 40MM Size aggregates for 1 cumtr.
2 26131Post New Adani Interview Questions
What software applications have your used for accounts receivable?
how you start the solubility study?
What is isolation?
How to calculate the phase to phase clearness of HT /// LT bus bar?????
What controls the screen flow?
How do you create an execution plan?
For what purpose development testing is used?
what is test strategy
Explain the difference between asp.net mvc and asp.net webforms
Calculate the maximum allowable speed on a horizontal curve of radius 350m if the maximum allowable values of the lateral coefficient of friction are 0.14 and the rate of superelevation is 0.08.
difference between rad and ordinary deployment?
What is Indexing? how did u implement indexing?
What are the common types of NOSQL data bases ?
Can you explain about start routines how you used in your project give me an example?
What is a cookie in java?