why pegging is required for deaerator in power plant nd why maintain the constant pressure in deaerator 3.5 kg/cm2.
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what is meant by 2 within a star in a voltmeter dial?
Define trimming?
How can an HTMLCollection be traversed?
How much pressure on air reservoir?
What do you mean by intent in android?
How to select the total numbers of fire extinguisher installed in a room ?
How do you create an index in a table in word?
Explain jagged arrays in c#?
List few difference between primitive and non primitive javascript data types?
What is Cross Site Request Forgery and how to defend against it?
List some applications of multilinked structures?
can any one please tell me what is mean by back papers,back log,historical standing ????????? this mean history of arrears is it correct or not.........
What is SARFAESI Act
Define what is razor? : asp.net mvc
How to explain the final year project as a fresher please answer with sample project