i got selected in clerical o9 xm of sbi...i am an engineer of biotechnology...what kind of question i hv to face plss tell me...it's urgent..send it in my mail id
2214Hi friends my name is naveenraj and i attended the exam conducted by sbi and i cleared it but i didnt know anything about the next round of interview so please helpp me by giving any info oriented to the interview thank you and mail address is naveen.net@gmail.com
1799dear sir, i am the fresh student of graduation , i want to know that how can i prepare for bank exam and get success in this field, please reply soon
2 3966What is the difference between ICICI and SBI? What prompted you to take the examination of clerk ? What is the most important achievement till date ?
5 12075hi friends!!!Any idea or information about when sbi associate PO exam result will be declared? its already three months from the exam?
3 4703i hv given the interview of union bank of india. As i am a textile graduate , in interview it was asked that "how would i use my textile knowledge in banking?" pls post an appropriate answer 4 this as soon as possible...
1 3631hi... m selected for SBI Associate bank PO interview and i have done computer engg.. Can anybody tell me hw should i prepare for interview and wat kind of questions they can ask as i hv done Btech in computer engg.....n i want to prepare for interview in Hindi language... is it a right step or will it have any bad impression on interviwee? pls help me? n post answers at my id..... mempal@rediffmail.com
4 16366Hi all I have been shortlisted for the GD & Intw of SBI Assoc Bank PO and my intw is in july 2010 at hyderabad Are there any one else gving intw in hyderabad if yes pls mail me at ajith_005@yahoo.com or 005.ajith@gmail.com. My mob no is 9399968368
1 3535Post New State Bank Of India SBI POs Interview Questions
While running DOS on a PC, which command would be used to duplicate the entire diskette?
How air abrasion works?
Re: what are the Issue that we face in Gl,PO and AP while Supporting
Describe primary index in teradata. And what are the available primary index types?
What is the use of sap tao ui scanner?
Why xml parsing is important?
Which is better hashmap or treemap?
What is tld file?
Highlight the main features of datastage?
what are the errors faced while bursting the reports and how to solve those errors?
How to execute the cursor queries with "open" statements?
How we can create indexes after completing the loan process?
What is mysap erp?
What load do concurrent queries produce on the namenode?
Does a primary key have to be a number?