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State Bank Of India SBI BSRB AllOther Interview Questions
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RBI Grade ?B? Officers Recruitment Exam Reserve Bank of India Services Board, Mumbai July 2004 Question Paper

84 157105

Bank Clerical Exams Model Questions...

125 495669

could u tell good coaching centre for bank exams in hyderabad

93 175357

hi i m siiting for IT officer Exam But not geting any sample/model test paer for this exam .can anyone Help mi email id is

1 7530

interview question for Bank IT officer

40 93251

can you send me last 4 years sbi bank exam paper set at mt email id

9 11452

I am going to attend IDBI Bank Interview for the post of AGAM. Would like to know the interview exp of any candidate who has attended the interivew


how is the growth of clerk in Bank of india?what is the procedure for promotions ad pay hike?kindly reply


founder of google


which type of questions may be asked by interviewer in sbi clerical interview.

1 4722

i have done BCA in my graduation,, pl tell me which type of technical question may be asked by interviewer in SBI interview.

3 14993

i finished my interview on 8th may....... they asked me these questions...... 1)tell me abt urself(I andwered for 2 mins) 2)difference between 2g and 3g(3g is faster than 2g)i forgot to answer that 3g has more bandwidth and it is circuit switched network 3)what is the uniqueness of 500 rupees note (that circle at corner for blind people , wen in light the colour of 500 changes) 4)what is the technology of atm(i dont know) 5)what are the different types of deposits(Recurring and fixed deposits) 6)what is recent hockey tournament going on(this also i dont know) 7)who is leading in recent world chess championship(anand wen i saw but later i dont know who was leading) 8)who is topper in recent IAS exams?(i didnt answer) 9)what u consider as ur life time achievement? the panel was very no tension...... ALL THE BEST for the rest........


state bank of india all clerk exam qustion papers with answers pls send mu mail id


I am appearing for interview for promotion to Scale II from Scale I in Regional Rural Bank on 07th July 2011. I would like to know what are the type of questions asked?



2 7323

Post New State Bank Of India SBI BSRB AllOther Interview Questions

State Bank Of India SBI BSRB AllOther Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

What is the ipconfig command for linux?


What are the types of questions asked from the customers regarding the product of a company?


Name two new tags included in the HTML 5?


What are the different types of APIs available in Node.js?


Microsoft certifications are being conducted across 50 centres across India. The manager in charge of the certifications has fallen sick and you have been asked to handle this process for the next week. You get multiple complaints from candidates across five different centers across India. The complaints are related to technology? from computers hanging regularly to answers not being saved properly. What would you do??


What you know about random port?


Which is the fastest logic ?


What do you understand by node in cassandra?


List few sensible functions in PHP?


Where is teradata rdbms used?


What are the options in people soft to setup the hierarchy?


What are the different types of bean injections?


could you provide me the information regarding UNIVESAL WORK LIST(UWL)?this question is regarding SAP EP.


What is question mark in javascript?


What are the various components of swing?