ravi is 7 ranks ahead of sumit in a class of 30 students. if sumit rank is 17 from the last, what is the ravi from the start?
2 6459Post New State Bank Of India SBI GATE Interview Questions
How to exit a wpf app programmatically?
How can I add a border to a photo?
Explain the purpose of riser?
HOw to add the recovery file at runtime to the test file .
what are the different tables present in mysql, which type of table is generated when we are creating a table in the following syntax: create table employee (eno int(2),ename varchar(10)) ? : Sql dba
What will you do if a replication thread goes down?
What are extension interfaces?
What are the dimensionless parameters used in forced convection?
Explain the fpm concept and its usage in webdynpro
In database testing, what do we need to check normally?
Can you save the component programmatically?
What is the use of - export sheet layout?
What is use of mpm in apache?
I've done mechanical engineering With 57% in 2012 now I got admission in concentration in business management and leadership in us university with out GRE for summer intake. Would it be a problem.? I going to book appointment in this month And what should I answer him if he ask me why this course and why u didn't take GRE.? Please suggest me. Thank you
Can I upgrade my windows 7 to windows 10?