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43 39014Post New State Bank Of India SBI MAT Interview Questions
What is ttl (time to live) in hbase?
What is a placeholder where word inserts content in a document?
What are sql functions? Describe in brief different types of sql functions?
Are spring components singletons?
Can not find phoneapplicationpage.fullscreen in april ctp?
What do you understand by multi-threading and multi-tasking?
What is jstl used for?
What is the use of string in c++?
Hi frnds, can any one tell me how much funds has to be there to convince financially sound during the visa interview and what supporting documents has to be produced. What is backlogs means.....hope the best known will answer.
What is the ribbon in microsoft word?
What is postgres vacuum?
Pls Explain Accounting Standered 1,3,11,29
what is cathodic protection? where it is used and when? and why?
What are the element in the loadrunner controller?
Explain the principle of Suizer Fuel oil injection pump