Give the balance sheet schedules ,what is differe tax, GIVE THE RATES OF DIFFERED TAX FOR THE YEAR 2008-09
1953ihave rejected visa twice and now ihad appiled third time wat the convicing answer ishould give? tanx in advance.
2214Post New Vodafone Interview Questions
What are the 3 types of filing systems?
Of the two call transaction and session method, which is faster?
List out some of the primary characteristics of teradata.
Which locator is fast in selenium?
What is disinvestment? Why is it done?
Do you think that most newspapers print what's really important, or what will make them sell more newspapers?
What do you mean by view composers?
What is injection tag?
How many depreciation areas can be defined for a company code ? : fi- asset accounting
Explain trigger and its types?
How many moons do Saturn planet have?
what are the iterator and generic algorithms.
Can you list some of the popular consensus algorithms?
How does overpopulation effect ecological balance?
How to convert nsarray to nsmutablearray in swift?