How to calculate quantity of binding wire for any kind of structures. How to calculate quantity of nails in 1 sq m shuttering.
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How do I group data in excel?
For a company code how many currencies can be configured?
What is vlookup formula?
Explain how you can close the client connection to the orbix 3 daemon?
How we can enter multiple lines of text in WPF Textbox?
How to install new objects?
what is the closest thing windows has to fork()?
Example for extra ordinary expenditure?
What is the rate of basic excise duty and specific duty And I want to know that how can I see that vat rate in up ,excise duty and tds details Please tell me site plese
Explain inheritance in java?
Is struct a class?
What is six sigma?
How do I view postgresql data?
State the difference between stats and event stats commands?
Is it possible to write a validation rule which will fire only on insert of record not on update of record ?