hi, i have filled up the EPFO exam form i m bsc chemsitry graduate so can any1 guide me wat all questions will be asked in office work aptitue??? so thati can do my preparation in exam???
6 9167Post New Vodafone General Aptitude Interview Questions
What is referential integrity and why is it important?
What is the difference between one to one merge and match merge? Give an example.
What is the most difficult personality you have ever worked with?
What do you understand by java server faces (jsf)?
Tell us what do you know about our company.
What is the difference between a constant and a static readonly field?
Can you change the profile parameter in the os level? Which one is advisable why?
For some transformers we are using solid neutral earthing while some others we are using resistance earthing why ?
Scaffolding IS code NO.
Does my company need a blog for social media marketing?
Explain the term ‘Restructuring.’
How do you say thanks?
What is the implementation of applicationcontext container?
Explain is olap databases are called decision support system true/false?
What is sandbox in java?