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Verizon Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

what is meant by Priority nad severity?

11 18702

what are the contents of FRS?

2 9320

suppose if you press a link in yahooshopping site in leads to some other company website?how to test if any problem in linking from one site to another site?

3 7722

what is difference between testing and development in your view?

4 18594

How you test database and explain the procedure?

3 9193

what is meant by host files web application testing?


What is the diffeence between SDLC and STLC?

8 21293

How can you decide max number of testcases for a Module?

3 8939

what is meant by webserver? how it works? what is applications of webserver? can we use webserver in 2 tier client server architechture? give some names of for Webserver? How it handles requests from client? how it interacts with database?

1 6048

what is meant by application server? what is the main difference between appilication server and webserver? what extra services offered by application server than web server?

7 27382

What is the difference between functions and actions in QTP?

7 24780

can anybody tell me "what is ur testing process in ur company" pls explain what is the process when v get a build?

5 8737

If a bug is found by the customer after product release, then what cycle is applied to find the cause of that defect

2 8624

What type of error u will get if u have not installed java add in in java project? what is the error name ?

1 5480

{22 apr 2007} Verizon Interview in Hyderabad

1 10414

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Verizon Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

what are the Types of End User in dbms?


Name the work email addresses that are currently supported?


What is an example of category?


Is mvc a framework?


how to calculate tax for the income earners


What is earning per share? What does it show?


Which constant is used for print and display functions and works as same as pressing enter key?


What is cgi and what are its drawbacks?


How to retrieve the count of updated rows?


Hi to all..Now am working at one company as Software tester..I have selected for Accenture via one consultancy.. They have told that joining date will be on 19 th july..But now they are postponed joining date..whether i can trust that or not?Can u plz tell??plzz..whether i can put my paper to releive or not? CAn u telll?


What is logical variable?


What is workspace in excel?


What are the two types of spreadsheets?


Mention what are the three stages of data-mining?


How do I check my outlook email online?